Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Everybody Needs A Little Change

In the last 17 years of my small somewhat insignificant life I have crammed a ridiculous amount of educational terms and apparently irrevelant knowledge. My true understanding of my existence has not even begin to bud. I really genuinly believe in the knowledege that formal education provides for the particular student or being, but unbeknowest to some certain knowledge can not be taught. At this time of year the majority of American High School Seniors are scrambling to decide where they will be in the upcoming school year. As a high school senior myself I can honestly admit that I am terrified of change. All of my life I have wanted to get away, to be out of my parents home, and move on to become a fortutious and prominent adult. Yet, in the first semester of my senior year as i filled out applications and ruffled through the various brochures and lookbooks, weighed out the various fees and scholarships, and searched through the various campus' to find out how many cafeterias and late night eateries were provided, I came to the dramatic conclusion that i did not want to make a decision. I'M NOT READY!!(this I screamed in my head as I simultaneously ruffled.) I felt like the pressure of it all would give me a heart attack! My family and friends have been projecting their opinions on me and unconsciously pushing me in the direction they ultimately envision for me. I get the impression I am not the only student who feels this way... As humans it is hard for us to narrow down our agenda for the next week, let alone delve into the realm of the unknown by a wide margin of almost a year! The time is winding down and It is almost that time in which the inevitable "change" is necessary. This change will ultimately prove one of the most influential decisions of our lives. Make sure your decision is the right one. I realized no one is absolutely sound or absolute on any decision until after it is made.... "Ready or not here it comes!" Any takers?


  1. I can fully understand where it is you're coming from. I don't believe any one is ultimately preapred for that "change". It's sorta goes like this: As a younging (and yes that's what I wrote) we feel the need to escape our parents "custody". But when this escape time nears, it finally hits us that we may not be prepared and we really don't want to leave the nest. It's quite odd. And odd as it may seem we still have to do, that it if we want to become what we have dreamed of. So in a nutshell I'm saying change is good but dauting.

  2. As a high school teacher, I totally agree with you. I am impressed with your ability to admit your fear of change. One of the few constants in life is change. My suggestion to the high school seniors of America is to attempt to embrace change as quickly as possible.

    I love the fact that the next generation of leaders are preparing for adulthood. I look forward to learing about your college selection.

    Let me know.

  3. As a parent we believe that we are guiding you instead of pushing. We want the best and most for you. Therefore we tend to be demanding and looking over your shoulders when you are making important as well as insignificant decisions. Just as we bear with our children, bear with us parents. We truly are seeking for you to be successful and happy, while protecting you from what we know is a large scary, fulfilling adulthood. You are mature, use your common sense and yes discuss with your parents, and together you will be at the university that fits you best come August 2009!

  4. Going off to college is scary! I must admit, when I first went away I was terrified!!! However, I just wanted to get away, so I didn't pick a college that was best for me. I felt all the same emotions but was too afraid to tell someone!!! I am glad that you are dealing with your fears now. Waiting to deal with them will cause more harm.
    Picking the school that's best for you will help you get thru some of those fears. By August 2009 you will know in your heart what’s best and you will make the right decision.
    I am proud of you!!! Keep up the good work!!!

  5. Bailey,

    I love you and I wish I could take all your anxiety away. Instead I'll give you my opinion on selecting a school. I wanted terribly to go to DePaul University when I graduated a hundred years ago(1967). My parents had a different idea of where I should go. They refused to pay for Depaul and wanted me to go to Arkansaw State (my father's alma mata. I had never been to Arkansaw and wasn't interested. I worried a lot my senior year. My advisor told me to go to a trade school. But I didn't listen to them either. I went to a Junior College downtown (Harold Washington now - Loop Jr. College then). I ended up going 1600 miles away to the University of Utah when I left Loop(1969). I hated it, but it was a great experience. I came back to Chicago two years later, with a new husband and no college credits (I owed money on a student loan). I divorced after two years and then married someone else three years later. My new husband and I registered for and then attended. . .Depaul University. My undergraduate degree came from Depaul in two more years (1979). I say go where you want to go. Your are a beautiful person and I know you will make the best decision for you. In the end only you, not your parents, grandparents, boyfriend, siblings, aunts/uncles, cousins or me will have to attend, register for classes, study, work, do laundry, meet new friends and a whole lot of other things at the institution you choose. Just remember, nothing is written in stone. If you decide you don't like your choice, study hard, get great grades and choose someplace else. I hope you can finish your undergrad and graduate degrees at the institution you choose. But in the end it will all work out alright, no matter where you go. Pray and God will guide your mind to the right place.

    Love Aunt Melodie

  6. Hey Dear
    As a college freshman I can feel for you since I went through the same exact thing last year. Our hunger for independence turns into a real reality check when our parents hug us for the last time and drive away. I know every kid from ages 17-18 want to be by theirseleves and answer only to themseleves but the fact of the matter is with that freedom comes responsibility. Their is no more mom waking you up in the morning for your 8 oclock class or making you do your homework and checking it. Entering college is like having your life finally thrown into your hands. Every decision you make controls your future. It's scary but after you hit that ccomfort level you realize that you wouldnt rather have it any other way. Change is Inevitable and this believe it or not is good is the first step in becoming the person you want to be. And don't worry if you slip up and need help me and the fam will always be here for you. You are amazingly intellligent and gifted...Fear is nothing but an emotion that drives us one way or the other.It is how we attack fear or shy away from it that is the key. We all love you but like Jay-Z said "Its for you to grow....U gotta let me go baby...U gotta let me go"
